Saturday, September 26, 2009

I know there is a plan for me.... I just wish I knew what it was!

So, I am an aide at an Elementary school for now. They originally had me in the sixth grade, then moved me to Kindergarten (yeah!!!) It is interesting.... I am an aide for a first year teacher who was in the same program as me last year. I kind of feel like the bridesmaid and not the bride.....
I am still looking for a teaching position - which is such a roller coaster ride.... the hope is there, the anticipation of being hired, the depression when you get the rejection letter. This week I interviewed at Sunrise Elementary in Canyons District, and Woodstock Elementary in Granite.
I am excited to finally feel settled in my new place, comfortable in my new ward, and friends with my new roommates. Life is good!


Suzie said...

Good luck on the continuing job hunt. Glad things are kinda settling down for you!