Saturday, March 28, 2009

Miracles do happen....

This is a draft of a post that I originally wrote like two months ago.......

Last Sunday, at church, a young missionary stood up to talk. He was about 20 years old and from Maryland. This always makes me think of my oldest nephew. When hen was born, my sister was not ready to be a mother, and placed him for adoption. That was almost 22 years ago. So lately, I have been hoping that he would seek out his birth mother. I have hoped to one day see him. Yet, this is not an easy subject for me to bring up for my sister. I would think that both of them would be curious... I know that my sister has struggled with the loss of placing him for adoption, so I really do not want to open old wounds and bring up the idea of finding him.... but I keep praying for him and for my sister.

Prayers do come true, because this week, my sister and Noah were able to contact each other and "reunite." I hope that in writing this both will know Heavenly Father's love for both of them..... oh, I am on cloud nine......