Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Favorite show

I have fallen in love with a new show. Make it or Break it is a show about teenage girls who are olympic level gymnasts. It is on the ABC family channel, or if you are like me and do not get cable, you can watch it on HULU. Sometimes you just need some teenage drama in your life, eh?


It is so easy to let birthdays get you down as you get older. I refused to do so this year. So, instead of thinking of the things that I feel I should have by this time of my life - I am going to be thankful for all the things I have experienced.... and done... and loved...
I am so grateful to have kept working and earned my Bachelor's Degree... and my teaching certificate.....
to have left home and found my own road in life
to have good friends who accept me for me
to have the opportunity to work with such great kiddos... and then be able to hand them over to mommy!
To have associations with amazing men and women who inspire me!
To be able to have trials that teach me so much.
To be able to live on such a beautiful planet, in a beautiful state, in a fun home where everyone is single.
To celebrate my life, I had a little shindig at home... and had so much fun! Included in the nights festivities, a game of kiss the frog - which is pin the tail on the donkey... just with pinning kisses on a frog. I think I proved my kissing skills by winning the game!
Happy Birthday to me!!!!!