Sunday, May 24, 2009

Girls Camp Ideas

My calling in the church is Ward Camp Director. I went to girls camp as a young woman, but I feel really unsure of myself as a leader. So, if you have any tips for me - I would love them! Plus, our stake theme is B.U.G.S. - which I think is awesome! The only thing is that our ward has been assigned the bug: the beetle. Who has ever seen a cute beetle? How can I make this fun for our Young Women?

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I have a lot of talents and interests. I have been exploring all of them during the last few weeks.....
Here is some of photography:

So, I decided that I need to work on developing more of my talents. For those of you who have some these talents, I would love your advice and suggestions!!!
Playing Piano
Flower arranging
cake Decorating

Any other ideas???

Wake Up Call

I have been sleeping in lately. Ever since student teaching has ended, I no longer have to get up at 6, I sleep in until 8. I wake up with a unique wakeup call - from the 2 year old in the house. ( I am renting from a friend who has 2 kids.) It is like clock work every day - 7:45 I hear the pitter patter of his (Gabriel's) little feet - the squeal of excitement when he can open my door and his daily question - "what doing?" I secretly love it - it is soooo cute ! Who could ask for a cuter wake up call???

Friday, May 15, 2009

blog, blog, blog

Okay - I admit it! I love to blog! It is like my own little editorial on life! Plus, I can show off. I can learn from others - like the blog I saw this week on coupons. I can keep up with my friends! Did i mention that I love blogging???

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lessons Learned

Mother's Day was interesting this year. My mom called me - and we talked for four hours. It was kind of amazing. I learned a lot. We talked a lot about my parent's marriage actually. I guess being Daddy's girl for so long that I have only seen his point of view. It was really gut wrenching to hear her side. I feel quite guilty for how I have viewed her for so long.
I actually feel bitter - as a child of divorce - I feel that their issues were really the small stuff - that they could never resolve..... and then paid the price for there stubborness in the divorce.
It also reminds me of how poor my communication skills are - and its no wonder having seen the way my parents treated each other for so long.....
I guess all I can do is learn from their mistakes.
I am grateful for both my parents - they both have their good sides.....

I could however, write a book on funny fights - its like the book The Twits- always pushing each others buttons....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

As a way to celebrate Mother's Day, I wanted to say thank you to my mom for....
bringing me into the World
Keeping me safe, clean, and healthy
teaching me the gospel
Telling me stories from her childhood
Sewing countless dresses for me
Throwing countless birthday parties for me
Driving me here and there
Piano Lessons
swimming lessons
letting me be a kid
picnics in the summer
reading to me
cleaning up after me
staying up with me
family vacations
and so much more!
Happy Mother's Day

Family Home Evening

Family Home Evening is important in the LDS church. It is time set aside every Monday Night for the family. There is usually a lesson and an activity. So, as a single person, I never really considered having Family Home Evening alone. Singles wards have group family home evenings (mostly an attempt for families to be created). So, I came across some ideas for singles FHE that is more of a time to become stronger spiritually. Here they are:
Make "FHE Coupons" to give to family members and friends for 1 free FHE lesson, and enjoy treating them to a FHE lesson taught by you.
Make a quilt or other humanitarian project.
Write a positive note to a Congressman, Senator, military serviceperson, mayor, bishop, or parent.
Write in your journal.
Write your life history -- these are important even if you don't have children! Here is a history about a great-great-great Uncle Hugh Uriah French who had no children of his own. Uncle Hugh Uriah's life story is wonderfully interesting, and I love to read it!
Write a note to a missionary. Pray for guidance and inspiration about what to share -- be it humorous, spiritual, or a report on what's happening in your unit.
Offer to redo, clean up, and fix the dolls and toys from your local thrift shop.
Stuff envelopes for a charity organization or a nonprofit group.
Study the most recent Conference Addresses from the Ensign.
Study and apply principles from the new Preach My Gospel book.
Volunteer to help clean pens and walk the pets at the local animal shelter.
Go to a hospital and read stories to the elderly or to children.
Research and write a history about a relative.
Research a favorite gospel topic at
Invite a member of your church unit to teach you about entering genealogy into the computer.
Prepare names for the temple -- attend the temple and do the work for your ancestors.

I really believe that Family Home Evening is important; single, married, with kids or without. So, now I have some new ideas!!!!

For the past year, I have been really busy. I have worked and worked and gone to school and then worked some more. Well, I finished my student teaching. I am still working, but only about 20 hours a week – all on the weekend. So basically – I feel like I have downshifted….. Life is funny – because now I am trying to fill my free time. So far I have…….
1. Been able to spend time with friends. I had a wonderful impromptu sleepover with a good friend – how great is that?
2. Job hunting - okay you can really get a picture of the economy by the job market. I am trying to find a teaching position, and a summer job. For the summer- I have applied everywhere – for any type of job – dozens – and no luck. For teaching – I have applied nationwide.
3. Napped…. Well, I was sick, but I slept A LOT!!!!!! Who doesn’t love the indulgence of a good nap?
4. Playtime – I live with an 8 month old and a 2 year old. It sure is fun to have baby time and run around toddler time! We even went to Wheeler Farm – it was great!
5. Girls camp stuff – yeah, I am planning girls camp – cross your fingers….
6. Cleaned house – I have gone through my closets and dejunked everything! Oh, so I am having a Yard sale to complete the process….
7. Catching up on my favorite tv shows: Friday Night Lights, Medium and Gray’s Anatomy. I love that I can watch them online!

This next week, I can start substitute teaching. Hopefully, I will get some more work.....